Wei Zi Gou

22nd October 1992

A short distance to the west if Bi Shui is the village of Wei Zi Gou. A place that was most definitely not used to tourists the locals nevertheless made us welcome and we were able to explore the delights of the small indoor market and the blacksmith's shop where he was busy making sickle blades out of rail track spikes!

At Wei Zi Gou Station the sun disappeared behind clouds for the first time on the trip. A westbound freight had superpower comprising QJ Nos.3487 and 1850 with JS_No.5290.

QJ No.3487 leads two other locomotives through Wei Zi Gou towards Dunhua on a freight from Tumen.

QJ No.1946 leaving Wei Zi Gou for Tumen and accelerating a freight working eastwards to Bi Shui

QJ No.3487 awaits departure from Wei Zi Gou with a service to Tumen.

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© David Kitching 2006

Pages last updated 9.8.2006