
This website would not have been possible without the kind assistance of a wide range of individuals and organisations who have supplied information, photographs, wise advice and encouragement. My grateful thanks are due to:

Melissa Alderson, Christopher Baglee, Antony Barton, Alan Bowring, Graham Brooks, Tony Brooks, David Brown, Malcolm Brown, David Butler, D.A.M - Flickr, Guy Butler-Madden, Andy Carlson, Jan Carpenter, Ian Castledine, Richard M Clarke, Barry Clare, Mike Clarke, Richard M. Clarke, John Colby, Adam Cooper, Michael Cowperthwaite, Mark Cranston, Paul Crossley, Ross Dallas, Bill Davidson, Joy Davies, Adrian Dust, Andrew Farrow, Gordon Fielder, Hazel Fleming, Maggie Foden, Michael Fordy, Amanda Fuller, Galmpton Residents Association, Peter Giroux, Tony Gray, Dan Gregory, Heather & David Griffiths, George Hadley, Robert Hale, Shaun Hall, Paul Handley, Matthew Hatton, James Hay, Sian Herron, Hillscape, Phil Hughes, Richard E. Hughes, Rod Hughes, Peter Hurst, Gwyn Jenkins, Phil Jenkins, Basil Jeuda, Matt Jones, John Morgan Jones, Thérèse Kearns, Lindsey Kitching, Richard Knisely-Marpole, Angus Kirk McClew, David McNeish, Andy Miller, Neil Minnis, Alan Murray-Rust, Stuart Nisbet, Martin & Jean Norgate, Andy Norris, Nigel Overton, Marilyn Palmer, Pat Partington, Sheila Phillips, John Pickin, David Rawlinson, Pat Reynolds, Ian Richards, Peter Robinson, Maurice Rogers, John Ryan, Clive Seal, Colin Smith, Ian Smith, Stephen Smith, Mark Sommers, Maryann Soper, Mike Stokes, Ian Suddaby, Ian Summerfield, Jamie Swanson, Eric Taylor, Gordon Taylor, Iain Taylor, David Thompson, Clive Torrens, Denzil Watson, Ivan Welsh, Christine Westerback, George White, Lynn Willies, Richard Wilmot.

If I have inadvertently left anyone off this list please let me know and I will swiftly remedy the omission.

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© David Kitching 2024

Page last updated 26.7.2024